We the old students of the former Government Secondary School Gwoza (Now Government Comprehensive Secondary School, herein after refered as the 'Institutrion'), having realized and appreciate the role we would have to play in the general development and upliftment of our dear institution, and the entire students (past and present), hereby resolve to form an association and provide for ourselves this constitution.
Article One: Supremacy of the Constitution
(a) This constitution is supreme and its provision shall be binding on all members and such other bodies of the association.
(b) Where any rule or regulation made pursuant to this constitution or any body or committee of this association is inconsistent with any of the provisions of this constitution; this constitution shall prevail and those rules and regulations shall, to the extent of their inconsistency, be void.
Article Two: The Association
(a) The association shall be known and called Government Secondary School Gwoza Old Students Association (GWOSA).
(b) The association shall be a voluntary, non ethnic, non-religious, non-political and non-sectional organization.
(c) The association is a corporate body that can sue and be sued.
Article Three: Aims and Objectives
(a) To promote solidarity, fraternity, equality and a sense of belonging amongst its members and the general society regardless of religious, ethnic or sectional affiliation.
(b) To contribute its quota in the provision of basic facilities and infrastructure necessary for the development and progress of the institution.
(c) To cater for the welfare of its members and foster human relations between the association and other organizations of similar interest.
(d) To participate in the execution of community development projects in the state.
(e) To serve as a tool of identification of its various members in the society and to uplift the great name of the institution.
(f) To suggest or give opinion on matters affecting the institution and promote learning in general. To serve as communication device in creating awareness, cooperation and understanding among members.
Article Four: The Members of the Association
(a) The membership of the association shall be open to all former students of the Institution irrespective of their religion, state, ethnicity, race, gender or status.
(b) All members of the association must register with the association and will be considered registered upon payment of registration fee of five hundred naira (N500.00) which may be reviewed at any time subject to the decision of the executive council or congress.
(c) All members of the association shall pay a monthly due of one hundred naira (N100.00) which might be reviewed from time to time as the congress may deem necessary.
Article Five: The Patrons of the Association
(a) There shall be a Grand Patron and 4 or 5 Patrons
(b) The Grand Patron of the Association shall be the Emir of Gwoza.
(c) The Patrons should include the incumbent Principal of the school, the Chairman of Gwoza Local Government Council and two or three other patrons as may be nominated by the executive council.
(d) The function of the patrons shall be to:
(i) advise the association
(ii) uplift the image of the association
(iii) solicit support in favour of the association from other organization
Article Six: Organs of the Association
The association shall have the following organs:
(a) The congress
(b) The executive council.
(a) The Congress
(i) Shall be a body comprising of all the registered members of the association. The congress shall also be the supreme body governing the association and shall hold its meetings at least once in a calendar year.
(ii) The congress shall be responsible for providing broad principles and policy objectives for the running of the association.
(iii) The congress shall receive and determine issues relating to amendment and interpretation of the constitution, the registration of prospective members etc.
(iv) Two thirds of the registered members of the association shall constitute a quorum for the meeting of congress.
(v) The congress alone shall receive and determine issues and deliberate upon reports from executive council.
(vi) The congress shall meet at least once in a calendar year.
(b) The Executive Council
(i) Shall be a body responsible for execution of policies and objectives of the association. It shall conduct the day to day management of the affairs of the association.
(ii) The Executive Council shall comprise the following
· The President
· The Vice President
· The Secretary General
· The Assistant Secretary General
· The Treasurer
· The Financial Secretary
· The Public (Affairs) Relations Officers
· The Director of Socials
· The Director of Welfare
· Auditor General
Article Seven: Duties of the Officers of the Association
1. The President
(a) Be the Chief Executive of the association and shall coordinate the executive council
(b) Be the spokesman of the association
(c) Summon all meetings of the executive council through the Secretary General
(d) Preside over all meetings of the executive council
(e) In consultation with the Financial Secretary or the Treasurer, ensure all monies meant for the association are promptly paid into the associations account.
(f) Be the principal signatory of cheques and vouchers for the withdrawal of monies from the association account.
(g) Have power to approve or reject in writing, claim of money made by an officer in accordance with this constitution.
(h) In consultation with the executive council, appoints ad-hoc committees.
(i) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the executive council or the congress.
2. The Vice President
(a) assist the president
(b) Preside over the association's meetings and activities in the absence of the president
(c) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the president.
3. The Secretary General
(a) be the secretarial head of the association
(b) commpile report of the association's activities
(c) summon meetings of the congress in consultation with the president
(d) be responsible for correspondence with other associations and organizations as directed by the president or the executive council.
(e) take minutes of all congress meetings.
(f) be one of the signatories of the association
4. Assistant Secretary General
(a) Assist the Secretary General
(b) Act for the Secretary General in his absence
(c) Take minutes of Exco meetings
5. The Treasurer shall:
(a) Subject to the foregoing sections, keep all monies accruing to the association.
(b) Account for the association's monies received from the financial secretary on behalf of the association.
(c) Pay into the association's account all monies meant for the association within 24 hours of receipt.
(d) Be one of the signatories of the association's account
6. The Financial Secretary
(a) Keep a record of all dues paid to the association
(b) Submit to the treasurer all monies due to the association
(c) Collect all monies received from donations or contribution to the association and issue receipt.
(d) Provide to the auditors on request, the account of the association for auditing.
7. The P.R.O
(a) Shall be responsible for publishing the association activities.
(b) Ensure that all articles of publication are not defamatory or obscene in nature.
8. The Director of Social
(a) be in charge of all social and cultural activities of the the association.
(b) Be the chairman of social committee.
9. The Director of Welfare
(a) be in charge of the welfare of the members of the association
(b) Be chairman of welfare committee.
10. The Office of Auditor I and II
(a) Be responsible for auditing the account of the association at least 3 times in a calendar year.
(b) Submit its report to the executive council for necessary study and action and submit audit report to the congress.
(c) Reserve the right to invite all or any of the association's officials in respect of financial management of the association.
Article Eight: Finance, Revenue and Financial Procedure
(a) The association shall derive its revenue from registration fees, monthly dues, donations and fund rising activities.
(b) Officers shall collect and forward to the financial secretary proceeds realized from their offices within seventy-two hours.
(c) the financial secretary shall maintain a record book in respect of each office of the association wherein shall be entered all financial transactions.
(d) All payments shall be made by the treasurer
(e) Each officer shall maintain a record book of his financial transaction.
(f) Financial record books shall be scrutinized at least twice in a calendar year, by the audit committee.
(g) All expenditures shall, where possible, be supported by receipts.
(h) Record books of financial transactions shall bear the following data:
· Date and number of payment
· Voucher
· Purpose and amount collected
· Recipient's name and signature
(i). Late payment of annual dues will draw the attention of disciplinary committee for necessary action.
(j) on assumption of office, the treasurer and financial secretary shall receive a brief induction course from an expert on rudimentary account procedure.
Article Nine: Election into Office of the Association
(a) General Election
(i) Only registered member(s) shall vote and be voted for.
(ii) There shall be an electoral committee consisting of five members five (5) to be appointed by the congress two of whom shall be the chairman and the secretary of the committee respectively.
(iii) Voting shall be by secret ballot
(iv) Nominations shall be in writing and duly seconded by two registered members and forwarded to electoral officer. Such letter shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of one thousand five hundred naira (N500.00) for offices of president and vice president and one thousand naira (N1,000.00) for the rest of the offices.
(v) The electoral committee shall display names of qualified contestants before the commencement of voting.
(vi) Any contestant who wishes to withdraw his/her self from contesting shall notify the electoral committee before commencement of voting.
(vii) Election petition should be forwarded to the committee within 24 hours of release of election results and the decision of electoral committee is final.
(viii) Any member wishing to contest for elective post shall clear all his/her annual dues.
(ix) Ad-hoc committee for electoral petition will be inaugurated after election.
(b) Election
By-elections shall be conducted into any vacancy in the EXCO occasioned by either resignation, death or disciplinary measure taken on an incumbent EXCO member
Article Ten: Meetings
(a) Executive: Shall meet before congress meeting and any other time that may be necessary to discuss crucial issues at the discretion of the President of 2/3 of the members of the executive council.
(b) The Congress: 2/3 of congress constitutes a quorum for the congress to meet and decisions shall be based on simple majority. General meeting of the congress shall be convened in the last quarter of each year without prejudice to any eventuality which might call for impromptu meeting.
Article Eleven: Discipline, Standing Order and Removal from Office
1. Every member of the association is expected to conduct himself or herself with decorum
2. All cases of misdemeanor shall be looked into a disciplinary committee as may be appointed by the congress or the executive council.
3. A reprimanded officer shall not be a member of the executive council.
4. The president can appoint any member to chair the disciplinary committee. He shall also take cognizance of the person's disciplinary profile
5. The disciplinary committee shall recommend disciplinary action against any executive officer or member
6. Attendance at meeting is mandatory on every member of this association.
7. During meetings the president shall use his discretions to permit members to speak.
8. Language of communication is not restricted to English language alone, other languages indigenous to Nigeria can be used for the benefit of its members
9. Any member found disturbing the proceeding of any meeting be ordered out by the president and thereafter referred to the disciplinary committee for further action.
10. Any member of the association who is found guilty of embezzlement of the association's funds shall refund such monies
11. Allegation of this kind shall be in writing with documented evidence. The officer/officers involved shall be suspended from office until the committee has completed its job
12. All such allegations should be address to the executive council.
13. This constitution can only be interpreted by the congress when it constitutes a quorum.
Article Twelve: Miscellaneous Provisions
1. Honours: Honours may be awarded to persons who distinguished themselves in the service of the association or humanity.
2. Resignation from Office: Any officer or officers of the association includi8ng any person appointed to serve the association in any capacity may tender his or her resignation in writing through the executive council.
3. Any officer, who resigns or is removed from office should hand over all documents, monies or association's property(s) to the Secretary General within 48 hours of resignation or removal.
Article Thirteen:
(a) Formation of Committees and Sub-Committee
The President in conjunction with other members of the executive council may from committees and sub-committee on special matters for smooth running of the association's activities. Such committees (when formed) shall submit its findings and reports to the President or committee for any necessary action.
(b) Such Committees shall include the following Standing Committee
(i) Interim management committee
(ii) Electoral committee
(iii) Account committee
(iv) Social committee
(v) Welfare committee
(vi) Publicity committee
(vii) Electoral petition committee
Article Fourteen
(a) Term of Office and Swearing-in of Officers
(i) The elected executives shall hold office for a period of two years from the day of election and term of office may be reviewed by the congress.
(ii) All elected members to various offices shall be sworn into their various offices within one week of election.
(iii) All officers elected shall take oath of office before the congress.
(b) Logo of the Association: The Logo of the association shall remain the old traditional Logo of the school but may be changed by the congress.
(c) Motto of the Association: Shall be (Unity for Progress)
(d) Amendment of the Constitution: The constitution can only be amended or reviewed by the congress when it constitutes a quorum.
Schedule II Oath of Office
I ............................................. do solemnly swear that I will discharge my duties to the best of my ability faithfully and in accordance with the constitution of the former Government Secondary School Gwoza Old Students Association and all other rules and regulations of the association, that I will not allow my personal interest to influence my official conduct in any circumstances; I will do right to all manner of members according to the law or rules governing the association without fear or favour, affection or ill-will, that I will not directly or indirectly communicate reveal to any person any matter which shall be brought for my consideration or shall become known to me as the .......................................... of the association except as may be required for the due discharge of duties as the .......................................... and I will devote myself to the service and will being of the members of the association. So help me God.
Dated ......................................... day of ................................................. 2005.
Constitution Drafting Committee
1. Dr. Abdullahi Ali Burda - Chairman
2. Mohammed Audu - Secretary
3. Dr. Ghuluze M. A. - Member
4. Dr. Idris Audu - Member
5. Isa Ali Vaganda - Member
6. Janet Adamu Jiri - Member
7. Barr. Garba U. Kwagyang -